Northfield Duplicate Bridge Club

for the ACBL masterpoint summary of the game, click here

Swiss Teams Recap


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Northfield Duplicate Bridge Club

Swiss Teams Recap



Round 1 vs Team 2 tulloch-ernste-valburg-dettling

NS Table1 EW Table2 net
BoardContract scoreContractscorediff Imps  VP
13N W +2-460 2 W +3150-310-7
21 S +2140 1N S =-90502
35 N -3-150 2 S +2-170-320-8
41N S -1-100 1N S +1-120-220-6
52 S +3200 2 N +3-150502
63 W -1100 2 W =1102105
75 W =-650 5 x S -1200-450-10
83 S +1170 4 S -21002707
round total-15   4

Round 2 vs Team 3 evans-evans-dahl-kyte

NS Table1 EW Table3 net
BoardContract scoreContractscorediff Imps  VP
93N E =-600 1N E +1120-480-10
103N W +1-630 2 W +3150-480-10
112 N +2170 2 N =-110602
124 N +2680 4 S -110078013
133N N +4720 3N N +3-690301
142 E =-110 3 E -1-50-160-4
154 E =-420 6N W -3-150-570-11
161N N =90 2N N -1501404
round total-15   4

Round 3 vs Team 4 vinje-french-belau-roediger

NS Table1 EW Table4 net
BoardContract scoreContractscorediff Imps  VP
174 N +1450 6 N -210055011
181N E +2-150 3 W -1-50-200-5
196N N =990 3N N +4-52047010
203 E +1-170 2 N =-110-280-7
214 E +2-480 4 E +1450-30-1
224 N +2480 4 N +2-48000
234 S =620 4 S +1-650-30-1
241 E +3-170 1N E +2150-20-1
round total6   13
team total 1.0 Wins   21 VP
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Northfield Duplicate Bridge Club

Swiss Teams Recap



Round 1 vs Team 1 stanger-larson-moseman-deel

NS Table2 EW Table1 net
BoardContract scoreContractscorediff Imps  VP
12 W +3-150 3N W +24603107
21N S =90 1 S +2-140-50-2
32 S +2170 5 N -31503208
41N S +1120 1N S -11002206
52 N +3150 2 S +3-200-50-2
62 W =-110 3 W -1-100-210-5
75 x S -1-200 5 W =65045010
84 S -2-100 3 S +1-170-270-7
round total15   16

Round 2 vs Team 4 vinje-french-belau-roediger

NS Table2 EW Table4 net
BoardContract scoreContractscorediff Imps  VP
92 S =90 1N E =901805
101N E +4-210 3N W +369048010
113 N -1-50 3 N =-140-190-5
124 S =130 4 N +1-650-520-11
133 N +3170 3N N +3-690-520-11
143 W =-110 2N W +1150401
156 E -150 6N E -2-100-50-2
162 S +1110 2 N =-90201
round total-12   5

Round 3 vs Team 3 evans-evans-dahl-kyte

NS Table2 EW Table3 net
BoardContract scoreContractscorediff Imps  VP
174 N +1450 5N S =-460-100
182 W =-110 1N E =90-20-1
193N N +4520 6N N +1-1020-500-11
203 N -1-100 2N W -1-100-200-5
213N W +1-430 3N W +2460301
224 N +1450 4 N +1-45000
233 W -2200 4 W -3-300-100-3
241N W =-90 1N W =9000
round total-19   3
team total 1.0 Wins   24 VP
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Northfield Duplicate Bridge Club

Swiss Teams Recap



Round 1 vs Team 4 vinje-french-belau-roediger

NS Table3 EW Table4 net
BoardContract scoreContractscorediff Imps  VP
16N W -2100 3N W +143053011
22 E =-110 1N S +1-120-230-6
34 S -1-50 3 S +2-200-250-6
41 W +1-90 1N W =9000
53N S -1-100 2 S +2-170-270-7
63 W -1100 4 W -2-200-100-3
74 W +1-650 5 x S -1200-450-10
84 x E -2300 4 S +1-450-150-4
round total-25   1

Round 2 vs Team 1 stanger-larson-moseman-deel

NS Table3 EW Table1 net
BoardContract scoreContractscorediff Imps  VP
91N E +1-120 3N E =60048010
102 W +3-150 3N W +163048010
112 N =110 2 N +2-170-60-2
124 S -1-100 4 N +2-680-780-13
133N N +3690 3N N +4-720-30-1
143 E -150 2 E =1101604
156N W -3150 4 E =42057011
162N N -1-50 1N N =-90-140-4
round total15   16

Round 3 vs Team 2 tulloch-ernste-valburg-dettling

NS Table3 EW Table2 net
BoardContract scoreContractscorediff Imps  VP
175N S =460 4 N +1-450100
181N E =-90 2 W =110201
196N N +11020 3N N +4-52050011
202N W -1100 3 N -11002005
213N W +2-460 3N W +1430-30-1
224 N +1450 4 N +1-45000
234 W -3300 3 W -2-2001003
241N W =-90 1N W =9000
round total19   17
team total 2.0 Wins   34 VP
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Northfield Duplicate Bridge Club

Swiss Teams Recap



Round 1 vs Team 3 evans-evans-dahl-kyte

NS Table4 EW Table3 net
BoardContract scoreContractscorediff Imps  VP
13N W +1-430 6N W -2-100-530-11
21N S +1120 2 E =1102306
33 S +2200 4 S -1502506
41N W =-90 1 W +19000
52 S +2170 3N S -11002707
64 W -2200 3 W -1-1001003
75 x S -1-200 4 W +165045010
84 S +1450 4 x E -2-3001504
round total25   19

Round 2 vs Team 2 tulloch-ernste-valburg-dettling

NS Table4 EW Table2 net
BoardContract scoreContractscorediff Imps  VP
91N E =-90 2 S =-90-180-5
103N W +3-690 1N E +4210-480-10
113 N =140 3 N -1501905
124 N +1650 4 S =-13052011
133N N +3690 3 N +3-17052011
142N W +1-150 3 W =110-40-1
156N E -2100 6 E -1-50502
162 N =90 2 S +1-110-20-1
round total12   15

Round 3 vs Team 1 stanger-larson-moseman-deel

NS Table4 EW Table1 net
BoardContract scoreContractscorediff Imps  VP
176 N -2-100 4 N +1-450-550-11
183 W -150 1N E +21502005
193N N +4520 6N N =-990-470-10
202 N =110 3 E +11702807
214 E +1-450 4 E +2480301
224 N +2480 4 N +2-48000
234 S +1650 4 S =-620301
241N E +2-150 1 E +3170201
round total-6   7
team total 2.0 Wins   41 VP
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