Northfield Duplicate Bridge Club

for the ACBL masterpoint summary of the game, click here

Swiss Teams Recap


click on team number to go directly to team's recap

Northfield Duplicate Bridge Club

Swiss Teams Recap

click on board number to go directly to hand record



Round 1 vs Team 2 anderson-bjerke-deel-stanger

NS Table1 EW Table2 net
BoardContract scoreContractscorediff Imps  VP
14 N -1-50 3N N -31501003
24 E =-420 4 E =42000
33 S -2-100 3 S -150-50-2
44 S +1650 4 S +2-680-30-1
52 N +1110 2 x N =-180-70-2
61N W -2200 3 S -1502506
73N W +2-660 4 E +3710502
82 E +2-170 4 E +24803107
94 N -1-50 PASS 0-50-2
102 N +2170 1 S +1-110602
113N N +3490 7 S -15054011
124 W =-420 4 W =42000
round total24   19

Round 2 vs Team 2 anderson-bjerke-deel-stanger

NS Table1 EW Table2 net
BoardContract scoreContractscorediff Imps  VP
133 E -2200 5 E -2-20000
144 E =-420 4 E -1-50-470-10
152N E -150 2 x N -250055011
161N E -1100 2 E -1-10000
176 S -1-50 3N N +3-490-540-11
183N S =600 3N S +1-630-30-1
192 S +2130 2 W -4-400-270-7
204 W =-620 3N W +1630100
213 E -150 2 S +3-200-150-4
223 E -1100 4 E -2-200-100-3
232 E +1-110 1N W +2150401
244 S +1450 2 S +4-2302206
round total-18   3
team total 1.0 Wins   22 VP
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Northfield Duplicate Bridge Club

Swiss Teams Recap

click on board number to go directly to hand record



Round 1 vs Team 1 volz-hvistendahl-dunker-anderson

NS Table2 EW Table1 net
BoardContract scoreContractscorediff Imps  VP
13N N -3-150 4 N -150-100-3
24 E =-420 4 E =42000
33 S -1-50 3 S -2100502
44 S +2680 4 S +1-650301
52 x N =180 2 N +1-110702
63 S -1-50 1N W -2-200-250-6
74 E +3-710 3N W +2660-50-2
84 E +2-480 2 E +2170-310-7
9PASS 0 4 N -150502
101 S +1110 2 N +2-170-60-2
117 S -1-50 3N N +3-490-540-11
124 W =-420 4 W =42000
round total-24   1

Round 2 vs Team 1 volz-hvistendahl-dunker-anderson

NS Table2 EW Table1 net
BoardContract scoreContractscorediff Imps  VP
135 E -2200 3 E -2-20000
144 E -150 4 E =42047010
152 x N -2-500 2N E -1-50-550-11
162 E -1100 1N E -1-10000
173N N +3490 6 S -15054011
183N S +1630 3N S =-600301
192 W -4400 2 S +2-1302707
203N W +1-630 4 W =620-100
212 S +3200 3 E -1-501504
224 E -2200 3 E -1-1001003
231N W +2-150 2 E +1110-40-1
242 S +4230 4 S +1-450-220-6
round total18   17
team total 1.0 Wins   18 VP
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